Well it's official, our little guy is 2 years old! What a big boy...makes me wonder where the time has gone and it's so much fun to look back at all of our precious memories we have already. We spent the big birthday day with our little man and Madden. Murphy woke up to balloons tied around his crib and his high chair, after a bit of confusion, his face lit up...he was beaming when he figured out that all the fun was just for him.
We went to a make-up music class with Mr. Joe-music class makes our little guy's feet dance and his heart happy so it was a great way to start celebrating. Murphy spends the entire class inching his way closer and closer to Mr. Joe until finally they are sitting feet to feet and he feels like it's just Murphy and Mr. Joe in the room. Then we stopped to get a cheese quesadilla and a quick happy birthday song in Spanish before the babies went down for a nap. We had dinner at Old Venice with more presents and more fun...Murphy felt very loved and we were thrilled. Our special boy had such a special birthday. I wish everyday could be like this, it was just perfect. Happy Happy birthday little angel!
The birthday cake...about as Yo Gabba Gabba as I could get...!
Murphy got a real guitar and a big drum just like Mr. Joe's
Murphy reading "dont bite your friends" to Hadley
Murphy hated his birthday hat...2nd year in a row, you'd think I would learn...
BB was sneaking Madden a little cake...she was exhausted but nothing a little icing couldnt fix...