Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hi dah...dah dah dah dah dah!!

The scene-any day at our house at about 6 a.m.
Murphy: Hi dah

Daddy: Hi Murphy! I love you, how'd you sleep buddy?

(Murphy then wraps his arms and legs around clay and puts his head on his shoulder.)

Murphy Hi dah Hi dah Hi dah...dadadadadadada!!!!!(now screaming in his super excited way)

what can I say he LOVES his daddy, and the same can be said for his sidekick, little Tink. We are so thankful for Father's day. What a special way to thank daddy, Skipper, and Pop for being such a special dad and grandfathers. You are such a precious part of our children's lives. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people to share in our children's lives.
These men mean the world to our babies. They are there for births, birthdays, surgeries...and almost everything in between, I am not sure you could keep Clay away if he has the chance to be with our two little ones. I am so thankful for his support and the example he is each and everyday to Murphy and Madden.
He loves them so much and is so good to them, and believe me
they know it. When he walks in the house each day there are two babies beaming as they wait to see who gets to dance with him first. Thank you all for being so wonderful. We love you so very much, Happy father's day!

P.S. While these pictures look like they were all taken around the same time, thats the beauty of having 2 babies within a year of each other-everyone looks about the same-just holding a different little one!