Sunday, June 22, 2014

What I am realizing...

is unfortunately I am really selfish.  Selfish in kind of a weird (recovering control freak...) kind of a way.  Summer is off with a bang around here.  While the end of the year was as usual (very emotional) hard to see come and did just that, came and went.
It was a great year for both of my littles (which just proves my mom right ...again.)  Every year does seem to get better and better.  I feel like we are in such good places for the littles, they love their friends, we love their friends, they love their teachers, we love their teachers etc.. etc...
BUT now that summer is here, I am being selfish.  I don't want to give up many days or hours with my guy and my girl.  We have been to the beach with precious friends...I had the kiddos solo on our first road trip and not only did we all survive-we had a blast and the drive was easy peasy.
When we were unpacking I got an email that therapy was cancelled last week...SO we played baseball, went swimming, played baseball, swam, watched a movie together, swam, played baseball on the driveway, went swimming.  We were on our own clock...just the three of us doing whatever we wanted to do.  It was kind of crazy...but so wonderful.
So with that said, I am thrilled that for some reason I thought 2 weeks of camp was plenty this year.  I keep telling myself that one day in the not so far off future my littles will want to do more, and to hang with someone other than momma---you can look into places to commit me now if you want.  I am prayerful that we will enjoy everyday of this summer, the heat, the spats, the water in the nose, the sand all over everything, and hey if summer is half as fun as the first month...I might just put them on a boat and homeschool.   The thought of being on our own clock and having them all to myself...well its too indulgent even for me...for now I am working on this selfish tendency, it's not pretty!

people can't even imagine how pajama obsessed Hef is...this is him on the hunt for the right pants to go with his rocket shirt....
Murphys sweet class on the last day..they gave us such sweet gifts for being the room moms!
My littles T ball team the LOVED it!

The Salies went South...but we did not sell seashells by the seashore...too much work!

Bless her...mawmaw and her daily doze...

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